Why Is My Puppy Peeing a Lot? Everything You Need to Know

Last updated on: Feb 09, 2024

By: Angela Reeves

Fluffy Puppy Peeing on Grass

So here it is. You have a new puppy and you have noticed something concerning: your puppy seems to be peeing a lot. More than you expected, right? This observation raises quite a few eyebrows (and questions!).

Sometimes, what seems like just a quirky habit could signal something that needs a vet's attention. But how do you distinguish between a growing puppy's needs and a trip to the vet?

Before you start worrying or planning your schedule around your puppy's potty breaks, let's take a look at the possible causes of frequent urination.

Why Puppies Pee So Much?

Small Bladders, Big Hearts

First off, it's important to remember that puppies are just babies. Just like human infants, they have tiny bladders. This means they can't hold a lot of urine for long periods. Their bodies are growing rapidly, and so is their need to pee. Think of their bladder as a small balloon that fills up quickly and frequently needs to be emptied. It's not that they want to make your life hectic; they physically can't hold it in for long.

Playtime Equals Potty Time

Puppies are bundles of energy. They play, jump, and run around, all of which stimulates their metabolism and, you guessed it, makes them pee more. Also, all that excitement can make them forget their potty training manners. It's like they're having so much fun, they don't want to pause for a bathroom break until they really have to go!

Now, why does this matter? Understanding these simple facts about your puppy's body and behavior can help you be more patient and supportive. It's a phase, after all, and one that you both can navigate with a bit of knowledge and a lot of love. So, next time your puppy has an accident, remember it's just part of their growth.

But, if you're noticing they're peeing way more than what seems normal, even for a puppy, it might be time to look a bit deeper into potential reasons.

Common Reasons for Excessive Urination

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs can make anyone feel miserable, and puppies are no exception. If your puppy seems to be peeing even more than usual, or if it looks painful when they do, they might have a UTI. Other signs include licking their urinary opening more often or having pee accidents inside even if they're usually good about going outside.


Yes, puppies can get diabetes, too. If your puppy drinks water like there's no tomorrow and then pees a lot, it might be a sign of diabetes. Other clues include losing weight even though they're eating well, seeming more tired, or not being their usual playful self.

Bladder Stones and Kidney Disease

Bladder stones can cause frequent urination and discomfort, while kidney disease might lead to your puppy peeing more often and drinking lots of water. Both conditions are serious and need a vet's attention to diagnose and treat.

Keep an eye out for changes in pee color or if your puppy seems in pain when peeing.

Submissive and Excitement Urination

Some puppies pee a little when they're extremely excited or feeling submissive. This can happen when they greet you or meet new friends.

Other Conditions

Less common causes like hormonal imbalances, reactions to medications, or even tumors can also lead to excessive urination. While these are not as common, they're reasons to be vigilant about your puppy's health and bathroom habits.

What to Do?

When faced with a puppy that seems to pee more than you'd expect, it's natural to feel a bit overwhelmed. These are practical steps you can take to manage the situation.

Establish a Routine

Creating a consistent daily schedule is more than just a convenience; it's a cornerstone of good puppy care. Here's why:

  • Feeding Schedule: What goes in on a schedule, comes out on a schedule. Feeding your puppy at the same times every day helps regulate their digestion and urination. Avoid free feeding, where food is available all the time, to help manage this.
  • Regular Potty Breaks: Puppies need to go out often. How often depends on their age, but a good rule of thumb is once every couple of hours, plus shortly after every meal, play session, and nap. Consistency helps them learn when and where it's appropriate to pee.
  • Play and Exercise: Regular, scheduled playtimes not only help with socialization and training but also ensure your puppy is stimulated and tires out at predictable times, impacting their potty habits.

Keep an Eye on Health and Behavior

Here's what to keep track of:

  • Water Consumption: Notice if there's a sudden increase or decrease in how much they drink.
  • Urination Patterns: Changes in the frequency, amount, or effort it takes your puppy to pee can be telling.
  • Behavioral Changes: Lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual whining could indicate discomfort or illness.

This proactive approach not only helps with house training but also plays a crucial role in early detection of health issues.

Keeping a log can be helpful, especially if you need to consult a vet. They'll appreciate having detailed information to work with.

When to See a Vet?

It's always better to be careful when it comes to the health of your furry friend. Here are some signs that it's time to make that vet appointment:

  • Sudden Changes in Urination Frequency: If your puppy starts peeing much more or less frequently than usual, it's a sign that something could be wrong.
  • Straining or Pain: Whining, hesitating, or showing signs of discomfort while peeing could indicate a UTI, bladder stones, or other health issues.
  • Blood in Urine: This is a clear sign that your puppy needs to see a vet as soon as possible. Blood can indicate infections, stones, or other serious conditions.
  • Excessive Drinking: A noticeable increase in water intake can point to diabetes or kidney issues, which require professional diagnosis and treatment.
  • Behavioral Changes: If your puppy seems lethargic, less interested in play, or is experiencing changes in appetite along with changes in urination habits, these could be signs of a health problem.

Wrapping Up

Remember, you know your puppy best. If something doesn't seem right, even if it's not on this list, trust your instincts and consult your vet.

If you're looking for more information about your puppy's behavior, check out our other articles. Learn why puppies lick your face, why dogs sometimes chew their paws, and when your puppy becomes an adult dog.

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